Salem Public Schools is committed to promoting the health and wellness of all students. The state of a student or staff member’s mental health is one of many factors that can have a significant impact on a child’s education and stress levels for adults. The District has developed a comprehensive list of mental health tools and resources for staff or families that need to reach out to someone beyond our school support staff.

Cartwheel Partnership

Student Support Services recently launched a partnership with Cartwheel Care and The Brookline Center to provide students and families with rapid access to mental health assessments, evidence-based therapy, and medication evaluation, via telehealth, with licensed clinicians with no waitlists.  This partnership allows approximately 100 students in grades 3-12 this year to access services they wouldn’t otherwise have due to insurance issues, language availability, transportation, and other barriers.   Cartwheel and The Brookline Center will also provide district clinical consultation, parent psychoeducation on mental health topics such as depression and anxiety, and ongoing case management collaboration with school teams.  For more information, caregivers can reach out to Mia Riccio, Director of Multi-tiered Systems of Support, at or Ellen Wingard, Executive Director of Student Support Services, at

SPS Community Resources


Grief & Loss

​Divorce & Family Stress

Domestic Resources

Parenting Resources

Homework Stress

Screen & Social Media Addiction

Bullying & Peer Conflict

Cutting & Self Injury

​Executive Functioning

Gender Identity & Sexuality



Behavior Disorders

Trauma Affected Children

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Eating Disorders 


Student Screening Tools