Mission and Vision
Salem Public School’s Instructional Technology team believes in using technology to foster independence in learners as they access new knowledge and acquire the essential skills needed for life beyond the classroom. We believe that technology is an essential tool for enhancing teaching and learning through engaging lesson design and data-informed practices, and strive to support its use by educators and administrators as they focus on our students’ growth. We believe that families should have access to resources and communication tools in support of their student’s education.
Please see below for methods to get assistance and resources created for SPS.
How To Get Support
Hours of Operation: 6:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Phone Number: 978.619.1450
Salem High School Help Desk: First Floor IMC
Salem Public School Instructional Technology Department at Collins Middle School: Room 127
Frequently Asked Questions
What technology is provided for Salem Public Schools students?
Salem Public Schools uses Chromebooks to deliver content to students. We are now a 1:1 district, meaning each student has a Chromebook to use every day.
Do students take their Chromebooks home?
Students in grades 6 through 12 bring their Chromebooks home with them daily. Students in grade PreK through 5 leave their Chromebooks in a secure charging cart in their classroom before leaving for the day.
What is Classlink?
Classlink is Salem Public Schools application dashboard for teachers and students. Apps are added to Classlink pages by the technology department and most are configured for single sign-on through student Google accounts.
What is my student’s Google username and password
Students Google accounts are formatted as their first initial of their first name, full last name and @learn.salemk12.org (example: Carlos Arias Reyes’s Google account would be cariasreyes@learn.salemk12.org).
Passwords are the word student and the student ID or lunch number (example: student123456).
How do I see my student’s grades, schedule or attendance?
Salem Public Schools uses Aspen as their Student Information System. The primary and secondary contact for each student are set up with Aspen accounts to log in and see their student’s information. Please complete a tech ticket if you are unable to log in or the information in the portal is incorrect.
How can my student get technology help?
In grades PreK through 5, students should inform their classroom teacher if they are having issues with their technology. The teacher will contact the Instructional Technology Department on their behalf.
In grades 6 through 12, students should visit our technology help desks at Collins Middle School, Saltonstall Elementary School or Salem High School.
What if a parent or family member needs technology assistance?
Please complete this form to have your technology help request forwarded to the Instructional Technology Department. Someone will reply either via email or phone as soon as they are able.