How Do I Enroll My Child in the Salem Public Schools?

 Enrollment is a three-step process:

  • Step 1: Complete all questions on our online registration platform.
  • If you wish to have your child considered for placement in the Dual Language Program at the Bentley Academy Innovation School, please select the checkbox to be considered for the Dual Language lottery and read the DL FAQs.
  • Step 2: Upon receipt of your child’s assignment, which will be sent by email, please confirm acceptance of the assignment by replying to the email.
  • Step 3: You and your child must attend kindergarten screening.

What Documents Do I Need to Submit with my Application?

  • Proof of address (Two of the following documents are required): Lease or mortgage statement in parent’s/guardian’s name: current electric, gas, cable, water, or telephone bill (landline) in parent’s/guardian’s name. Letters from approved government agency: Revenue (DOR), Children and Family Service (DCF), Transitional Assistance (DTA), Youth Services (DYS), and Social Security.
    If you do not have any utilities under your name and you reside with a family member or friend: You will need to submit a notarized letter from the person you live with and 2 utility bills under that person’s name.
  • Parent’s photo ID
  • Proof of Child’s Age (One of the following documents): Child’s birth certificate, Passport, I-94 Card or Resident Alien Card
  • Immunization Records Please provide your child’s most recent physical examination and immunizations.
  • Educational Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, if applicable

How Do I Choose a School for my Child?

Kindergarten tours will be held after the Early Childhood Expo for all elementary schools. We strongly encourage parents to visit schools to learn more about our programs.

Sign up at the Expo or call the schools you would like to visit to set up an appointment.

Bates Elementary School (Pre-K-5)
Principal Sue Faria-Smith
53 Liberty Hill Avenue
Horace Mann Lab School (Pre-K-5)
Principal Jill Tully
79 Willson Street
Bentley Innovation School
Dual Language Program
Principal Liz Rogers
25 Memorial Drive
Saltonstall School (K-8)
Principal Bethann Jellison
211 Lafayette Street
Carlton Innovation School (K-5)
Principal Lauren Weaver
10 Skerry Street
Witchcraft Heights Elementary School
Principal Sue Carmona
1 Frederick Street

Application Deadlines

In order to take advantage of the sibling preference criteria, you must submit your application by February 24th.

Application deadlines and Notification Dates for the 2024-25 School Year

RegistrationDeadlineLottery DateNotification Date
Sibling PreferenceFebruary 24thN/AMarch 24th
Batch 1 Kindergarten RegistrationFebruary 24thN/AMarch 24th
Batch 2 Kindergarten RegistrationMarch 31stN/AApril 24th
Summer Kindergarten RegistrationAfter Apr. 1N/AAs registrations arrive
Window 1 Dual Language LotteryFebruary 24thMarch 10thMarch 24th
Window 1 Pre-K LotteryFebruary 24thMarch 10thApril 24th
Window 2 Pre-K LotteryMarch 31stApril 10thApril 24th

Kindergarten assignments will be made on the basis of the information you provide on the application. Every effort will be made to assign your child to one of your top choices of school.

Dual Language and Pre-K assignments will be made based on the lottery process. Families will be notified of lottery selection on the dates noted above.

No assignment application will be processed without the required documents.

More Frequently Asked Questions

How will Kindergarten Assignments be made?

Students entering Salem Public Schools are assigned according to our Student Assignment Policy. A copy of this policy is available on the district website (see School Committee Policy Manual, Policy #5103). This policy allows parents to have options for requesting the schools their children may attend. Programmatic placements, sibling preference, socioeconomic status, and proximity are prioritized.

How will Parents be Notified?

Parents will be notified by email of their child’s school assignment by the assignment deadline.

Please do not call the Parent Information Center or schools regarding kindergarten assignments before the notification dates.

Will my Child be able to Ride the Bus?

Transportation will be provided if you meet the distance criteria determined by the School Committee’s transportation policy. Students in grades K-2 who live one or more miles away from school qualify for free transportation.

For questions regarding transportation please contact the Transportation Department at (978) 740-1138.

When is Kindergarten Screening?

Kindergarten screening will take place at your child’s assigned elementary school starting at the end of June. Parents will be notified of their child’s appointment by the school staff.

What if my Child has a Medical Condition?

If your child has a health condition such as asthma, diabetes, allergy to food or bees, seizure disorder, cystic fibrosis, bleeding disorder or other health issues, please contact the nurse at your assigned school to advise her of his/her needs and plan for care. Questions or concerns can be directed to the nurse at the school that your child is assigned to or Director of Nurses Jane Morrissey, RN, at 978-825-5500, fax # 978-740-1137.

How Many Students are Enrolled in Salem’s Kindergarten Classes?

Class sizes have averaged 18 to 20 students. Classes are staffed by a full-time teacher and a part-time paraprofessional.

Which School is Best for my Child?

There is no “one best school” and each child’s learning needs are unique. Each of our schools has their own theme, character, and opportunities to offer your child.  We are proud to offer many great choices of elementary schools in Salem. We encourage you to learn more about all of our schools and the choices available to you by reviewing the school profiles, visiting school websites and signing up for a tour.

What are the Chances my Child will be Assigned to our First Choice School?

The chances vary depending upon the school requested, meeting the registration deadlines, and the criteria outlined in the student assignment policy, including the proximity of your home to the school(s) you requested.

Are the Odds Better if I only Request One School (Instead of Three)?

No. We encourage parents to list three different school choices.  If only one choice is listed and there is no space available, your child will be administratively assigned. By identifying more than one choice, you increase your chances of having your child attend a school of your choosing.

Do Parents Always Receive One of their Three School Choices?

On average, we have been able to provide 90% of our kindergarten parents with one of their three school choices. In situations where this is not possible, parents will be contacted and given options of available seats in other schools. Under these circumstances parents may also request that they be put on a specific school’s “waiting list” should seats become available.

How Realistic is it to think I may get my Waiting List Request Granted?

As people move and/or change plans, seats do open up making it possible to assign students from the waiting list. On average this happens approximately 60% of the time, however, sometimes there is a long wait and uncertainty that accompanies this part of the process. There are no guarantees. Students on waiting lists are processed using the same criteria in the district’s student assignment policy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, contact the Director of Parent Information Services:

For more information, contact the Director of Parent Information Services: 

Manager:  Sayonara Reyes 

Located at:  Collins Middle School — 29 Highland Avenue — Suite 121

Telephone Number:  978-740-1225

Fax Number:  978-740-1176

Email Address:



8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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