Bus Information for the 2024-25 school year is now available in the Aspen Family Portal
To access your student(s)’ bus information, please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Log into the Aspen Family Portal
(Button: Click here to go to the Aspen Family Portal)
If you do not remember your login details, you can contact the SPS Technology Team by opening a tech ticket or calling 978.619.1450.
If you have never created an Aspen Family Portal Account, please try logging in for the first time with your email address as the Login ID and as the Password.
Example: Login ID: spstransportation@salemk12.org
Password: spstransportation@salemk12.org
If that does not work, please contact the SPS Technology Team.
Step 2: After logging in, this is the screen you will see. Click the Family Tab.
Step 3: After clicking the Family Tab, view your student(s)’ bus information
Bus routes are also posted on the transportation website by school. If you can’t see your student(s)’ bus information in Aspen, please review the routes on the website and choose a bus stop that works best for you. Your student will receive their bus pass at school on their first day.
If you have any questions, please contact the transportation department at 978-740-1240 or email dbido@salemk12.org and vfagundes@salemk12.org.
District-Wide Bus Routes
Our district-wide bus routes are now available for the 2024-25 school year. Our bus stops and routes do have potential to change throughout the school year. The document linked below is a live document with up-to-date information. You’ll find the document organized by school and bus number. If you have any questions, please contact the transportation department.