Required Vaccine Information for High Respiratory Extracurricular Activities

Posted on: October 27, 2021

Salem Public Schools remains committed to a safe and healthy environment for all students, staff, and families in our district. With this in mind and the availability of the Covid vaccine, Salem Public Schools submitted additional guidelines for high respiratory extracurricular activities to the School Committee. This past Monday, the School Committee voted in favor of adopting the following  vaccine mandate for the safety of all who participate in these activities, which include athletics, music, and drama programs:
Required vaccination for eligible individuals to participate in high respiration extracurricular activities beginning December 1, 2021, for winter extracurricular activities.  

Vaccine eligible students, currently those ages 12 and above, must show proof of vaccination in order to participate in extracurricular activities unless there is a clearly stated medical exemption provided by a doctor or the family attests to a strongly held religious belief that prevents them from getting the vaccine. Students that have received their first dose by December 1st and are scheduled for their second dose will qualify to participate in the extracurricular activities. 

The COVID-19 vaccine is the single most effective tool to reduce the risk of the virus for each individual and for our community. SPS will continue to offer vaccination clinics on-site, including at Salem High School on Tuesday, November 2nd, and at Collins Middle School on Wednesday, November 3rd. To participate, families must complete this consent form and send it to school with their student.  

[Wednesday, Oct 27 at 4:59 PM]
A correction to information about vaccination consent. Consent cannot be emailed, here is a link to a folder where you can download and sign the consent form:


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