Welcome to Salem Public Schools!

Salem Public Schools is an urban public school district in Salem, Massachusetts. Salem is a small, diverse city with a proud maritime and immigrant history. Our leaders and our teachers are all passionate about education and understand the urgency of improving student achievement with equity and social-emotional needs as the lens we view all of our work through. We respect and value the racial, cultural, and linguistic diversity of our students and their families, and have a strong commitment to the Salem community. Salem Public Schools staff serve all of our students, regardless of ability or language. Salem Public Schools enrolls approximately 4,000 students across its eleven schools.

2024-25 Start/End Times

SchoolStart TimeEnd TimeEarly Release Time
Bates Elementary7:45 am1:50 pm11:15 am
Bentley Academy Innovation School7:30 am2:30 pm11:00 am
Carlton Innovation School8:35 am2:40 pm12:05 pm
Collins Middle School8:15 am3:15 pm11:45 am
Early Childhood Center8:45 am2:50 pm11:00 am
Horace Mann Laboratory School7:50 am1:55 pm11:20 am
New Liberty Innovation School9:00 am3:45 pm1:00 pm
Salem High School7:45 am2:35 pm12:30 pm
Salem Prep8:00 am2:25 pm11:30 am
Saltonstall K-88:20 am3:20 pm11:50 am
Witchcraft Heights Elementary School8:30 am2:35 pm12:00 pm

2025-26 Start/End Times

SchoolStart TimeEnd TimeEarly Release Time
Bates Elementary7:45 am2:20 pmTBA
Bentley Academy Innovation School7:40 am2:15 pmTBA
Carlton Innovation School8:35 am3:10 pmTBA
Collins Middle School8:30 am3:15 pmTBA
Early Childhood Center8:45 am2:50 pmTBA
Horace Mann Laboratory School7:40 am2:15 pmTBA
New Liberty Innovation School9:00 am3:45 pmTBA
Salem High School7:45 am2:35 pmTBA
Salem Prep8:00 am2:25 pmTBA
Saltonstall K-58:30 am3:05 pmTBA
Witchcraft Heights Elementary School8:30 am3:05 pmTBA

Start Dates for 2025-26

  • Wednesday, Aug. 27:
    • Carlton Innovation School grades 1-5
    • Salem High School Grade 9
    • Salem Prep Grade 9
  • Thursday, Aug. 28:
    • Grades 1-8
    • New Liberty 9-12
    • Salem High School 10-12
    • Salem Prep 10-12
  • Wednesday, Sept. 3: Carlton Kindergarten
  • Thursday, Sept. 4: Pre-K and Kindergarten

Elementary and K-8 Schools

Salem currently has five elementary schools serving grades K-5 and one K-8 school.

Bates Elementary School
Bentley Academy Innovation School (BAIS)
Carlton Innovation School
Horace Mann Laboratory School
Saltonstall K-8 School
Witchcraft Heights Elementary School
Kindergarten Class at the Salem Early Childhood Center

Middle School

Salem has one larger middle school and serves a smaller number of students in grades 6-8 in our K-8 school. Saltonstall also has grades 6-8 available for students as well.

Collins Middle School

High Schools

Salem has one traditional high school and two alternative high schools. 

Salem High School

New Liberty Innovation School
Salem Prep High School

Early Childhood Education

Salem offers a limited number of full and half-day spots through its early childhood center, serving ages 3 and 4 as well as pre-k offerings in the district

Salem Early Childhood Center
Early Education Partnership Program (Pre-K)

Family and Student Handbooks

School NameEnglish VersionSpanish VersionPortuguese Version
Bates Elementary School 2024-25 Student & Family HandbookManual para familias y estudiantes Año escolar 2024-25Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Bentley Academy Innovation School 2024-25 Student & Family HandbookManual para familias y estudiantes Año escolar 2024-25Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Carlton Innovation School 2024-25 Student & Family HandbookManual para familias y estudiantes Año escolar 2024-25Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Collins Middle School 2024-25 Student & Family HandbookManual para estudiantes y familias de Collins Middle School 2024-25Escola Collins Middle School Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Letivo 2024-2025
Salem Early Childhood Center 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookManual para familias y estudiantes Año escolar 2024-25Manual da Família e do Estudante Ano Letivo 2024-2025
Horace Mann Laboratory School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookManual para Familias y Estudiantes Año Escolar 2024-25Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
New Liberty Innovation School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookMuy prontoManual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Salem High School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookMuy prontoSalem High School Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Salem Prep High School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookMuy prontoSalem Prep High School Manual da Família e do Aluno Ano Escolar 2024-2025
Saltonstall School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookMuy prontoManual da Família e do Estudante Ano lectivo 2024-2025
Witchcraft Heights Elementary School 2024-25 Family & Student HandbookMuy prontoManual da família e do aluno Ano escolar 2024-2025