Summer brings opportunities to spend time with friends and family and enjoy the outdoors. We hope that you and your student will also continue to read to develop a love of books and learning new things.

2024 Summer Learning Challenge: Win a ride to school with Derby!

  • Complete the reading log form below noting the number of books you read (or have had read to you) this summer.
  • Have your parent/guardian sign-off on your summer reading.
  • Return this completed log to your teacher on the first day of school.

Reading Reward: Anyone who turns in a log will be eligible to win a ride to school with Derby, the Salem Police Department’s Community Resource dog. One winner per SPS school.

Download Reading Logs: ENG | ESP | POR

2024 Summer Learning K-12

K-5 Mathematics

  • ST Math: Research-based program that builds understanding of math concepts through puzzles. This opportunity is available on students’ ClassLink page.
  • Math Games: Fully Unplugged Math Games offered in English and Spanish that only require a deck of cards — no computer
  • MathFactLab: Free website for online math fact fluency practice that is based on reasoning strategies and sense-making. Students access MathFactLab through their Classlink page.

Grades 6-8 and 9-12 Mathematics

American Library Association

Here are summer reading suggestions created by the American Library Association for students in Grades PreK-8 that will help you and your student  select books together. As always, we suggest that you follow your child’s lead and choose books and topics that interest them.

Salem Public Library

The Salem Public Library will be supporting our summer reading by stocking copies of the summer reading suggestions and allowing you to view the titles and place holds through Noblenet online. The link to these lists from Salem Public Library are included below:

Massachusetts Children’s Book Awards

For some other great choices, please see the Massachusetts Children’s Book Awards.

Popular Series for K-2 Readers

Some young readers like to read several books about the same character.  Check out these popular series for K-2 readers.

Middle School Summer Reading Program

Middle school readers are encouraged to navigate to the Collins Middle School Summer Reading website.

High School Summer Reading Program

High School readers are encouraged to visit the Salem High School Library webpage.

Massachusetts School Library Association Summer Challenge

Is your family interested in a summer reading challenge? This begins in June, with the theme “A book that inspired a TV or Movie Series”. Students can enter monthly using this form. Adults can participate, too!  See:  Adult Reading Challenge.