Step 1: Initial Report

Task:Appropriate Staff:Timeline:
Receive Initial Report:Principal/Assistant PrincipalWithin 24 hours of receiving complaint 
Necessary Forms: Bullying Incident Form
Notify family of the alleged target of intent to investigate Principal/Assistant Principal Promptly as soon as possible 
Set up meeting with alleged target and identify safety concernsPrincipal/Assistant Principal Promptly as soon as possible 

Meeting with Alleged Target

If safety concerns are identified with alleged target/aggressor, then: If No safety concerns are identified with alleged target/aggressor, then: 
Create a safety plan considering ALL aspects of the school day and identify a trusted adult. Take statement from the alleged target 
Notify parent of the Safety Plan
Notify the trusted adult of the Safety Plan 
Notify teachers of the safety plan and the identified trusted adult  
Take statement from the alleged target 

Meeting with Alleged Aggressor

If Yes, Safety Concerns If No, Safety Concerns 
Develop a plan to separate the alleged aggressor from the target Take statement from the alleged aggressor 
Notify parent of the alleged aggressor and target there is a plan 
Notify teachers of the aggressor and target of the allegation and the plan 
Take statement from the alleged aggressor 

Step 2: Witness Statements

Task:Appropriate Staff:Timeline:
Staff documents statements from all witnessesPrincipal/Assistant Principal Teacher(s)Support StaffWithin 14 school days from the date of the initial report
Assess if the situation meets standards for bullying❏ Power Imbalance â Repeated/or potential of repetition â IntentionalPrincipal/Assistant Principal Within 14 school days from the date of the initial report

Step 3: Conclusions and Report of Findings

Task:Appropriate Staff:Timeline:
Does the allegation involve a protected class? (race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, genetics, or active military status)Principal/Assistant PrincipalImmediately contact Executive Director of Student Support Services  
Make determination on whether or not bullying occuredPrincipal/Assistant PrincipalWithin 14 school days from the date of the initial report